Karol Wójcicki, the ambassador of the Stop the flood project, explains simply and to the point.

Karol Wójciki – ambasador of the Stop the Flood Project.
The Ambassador of the Stop the Flood Project is a well-know blogger and popularizer of sience – Karol Wójciki.

About project
Updating flood risk management plans Flood, next to drought, is one of the most severe
Conference on June 23, 2020
Presentation 1 – The role of PGW Polish Waters in protection against flood and drought
Support materials
logo download internet banners download Poster “About project” PDF file download Poster “About project” JPG
Contact for media
Contact for media Sergiusz KieruzelRzecznik Prasowy Państwowego Gospodarstwa Wodnego Wody Polskiee-mail: media@wody.gov.pl Monika SzymańskaSpecjalista w dziedzinie komunikacji
Social campaign
The update of flood risk management plans (PZRP) is accompanied by information and promotion
Project goals
Project goals FRMPs contain key elements defined by the Floods Directive, i.e. a description of