Publication of new flood hazard and risk maps

On September 7, 2022, flood hazard maps (MZP) and flood risk maps (MRP) were made public, including:
– new maps for about 1 thousand. km of rivers and 19 damming structures;
– updating some of the maps in force (river and sea side).
The maps are available on the Hydroportal of the State Water Holding Polish Waters at: including:
– cartographic version in the form of pdf files:
– numeric (vector) version of MZP:
– numeric (vector) version of the MRP:
A detailed list of river sections for which the maps have been updated, together with a description of the reasons for the update, is included in Annex 6.1a to the Report on the review and update of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps (2022), which is available at: https: //
The list of all developed maps with the date of publication of the last version is included in Annex 6 to the above-mentioned Report.
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