We invite you to joint consultation meetings of aPZRP and 2nd uRBWMP

The Minister of Infrastructure invites on May 11 in Szczecin to a joint meeting as part of public consultations of updated flood risk management plans (uFRMP) and the 2nd update of the River Basin Water Management Plans (2nd uRBWMP). Two more joint debates have been planned: May 17 in Łódź and May 25 in Gdańsk. You can register for an online meeting in Szczecin now. We will inform you about the details of consultations in Łódź and Gdańsk on the websites www.stoppowodzi.pl and www.apgw.gov.pl.

Due to the restrictions related to the pandemic, the consultation meeting in Szczecin will be organized online on the Webex platform. It will start at 10.00 and will last until 15.45. Two presentation blocks are planned and time to answer questions asked in a chat that is available at all times. A detailed program is available here link.

To register for a meeting in Szczecin, complete the online form available at https://stoppowodzi.pl/formularze-rejestracji-na-spotkania-konsultacyjne/, by selecting the appropriate field with the date May 11. One link can only be used for one computer station or mobile device (one link will be sent for each e-mail address).

From December 22, 2020, a series of 28 consultation meetings on uFRMP throughout the country is underway. The draft plans contain specific measures to protect the inhabitants, economy, environment and cultural heritage of each river basin area. Detailed information on the project is available at www.stoppowodzi.pl.
From April 14, 2021, six-month public consultations under the 2nd uRBWMP began, which will last until October 14. Planning documents in water management constitute the basis for making decisions shaping the condition of water resources and define the principles of their management. They contain a set of measures that should be taken to achieve or maintain at least good water status. 2nd uRBWMP projects are available at www.apgw.gov.pl.

We cordially invite you to meetings!

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