
An effective education in the field of flood protection is one of the bases for the proper shaping of future citizens’ attitudes. It is therefore of the utmost importance to provide reliable and credible information in this field, both at the level of school education and in the training of professionals working in the wider water management field.

As part of the Stop the Flood project, two educational packages have been developed:

  1. lessons for children from classes 4-6 of primary schools entitled: Flood? What is it?
  2. and thematic lectures for students of natural sciences, water management, environmental engineering, nature preservation etc. entitled: Flood risk management plans.
>Lesson: Flood? What is it? – for classes 4-6 of primary schools.

Thematic scope of a lesson: Flood? What is it? covers the issues related to the occurrence of flood, its causes, types of floods and ways of preventing and reducing its effects. Children will have the opportunity to find out what to do if they have to evacuate during a flood and to check whether their house is located in a flood risk area. 

The materials provided make it possible to conduct lessons both in the classroom and online. The lesson is intended to last for 45 minutes. The presentation can be freely modified according to the individual learning needs of school children and the curriculum preferences of a given year

Lecture: Flood risk management plans (FMPs) – for students of water management majors.

The aim of this lecture is to explain the legal basis for preparing flood risk management plans and the areas in which they are implemented, to present the principles of public authorities’ activities in preparing these documents, and to present modern planning methods and tools. The lecture covers both the theoretical part – Lecture part I and a case study – Lecture part II.

The materials provided make it possible to conduct the lecture both in the classroom and online, and each part lasts 45 minutes, which gives a total of 90 minutes.

The presentation can be freely modified according to the individual learning needs of the students and the curricular preferences of a given major of studies.

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