Raport z pozyskania i opracowania danych i informacji na potrzeby projektu Raport z analizy rozkładu
Reference Documents
Plany zarządzania ryzykiem przeciwpowodziowym (PZRP) I cykl planistyczny Wdrożenie instrumentów wspierających realizację działań Planów zarządzania
Methodology uRFMP/FRMP
Game Stop the Flood
The Stop Flood game was created with school children in mind, it is especially addressed
Scenarios of lessons and lectures
An effective education in the field of flood protection is one of the bases for
Stop Flood webinars available online
Recordings of on-line meetings are available on the Polish Waters channel.
Webinar – aPZRP in practice of local government units
From now until June 16, 2022, you can sign up for a free online training course on the practical aspects of the application of flood risk management plans.
Final of the consultation process of the uFRMP project
The process of considering comments and applications submitted as part of public consultations on the draft update of the flood risk management plan (uFRMP) for the Vistula, Odra and Pregoła river basin districts and draft flood risk management plan for the Elbe, Neman and Danube basin (FRMP).